Yael Bar Cohen, was born in Israel and currently resides in Iceland. Her work centers around the concept of aesthetic spaces and how they blur the lines between reality, memory, and imagination. She experiments with elementals and subjects within her frame to create a unique composition to express these ideas. Yael feels that her photography often comes from a place of imagination that channels the delicate equilibrium between her fragile nature and the overwhelming reality of our world. Her work has been published in PhotoVogue, At Magazine and Fashion Israel.
We asked Yael to share with us some of her favorite shots in this PROFOLIO...

Passing accidentally by this surreal and extreme location, I asked my spouse to stand on top of this roof. We both felt like we’re willing to be exposed to anything Iceland has to offer.

As soon as I entered this mysterious lagoon and saw this random group of tourists, I recognized a potential for an unusual frame. I went back to the lockers to bring my camera and asked them if I could take their photo. It was chosen as “Best of Photo Vogue”.

While shooting an editorial in the woods, a man crossed by with his dog. I asked him if he could “lend” us the dog for a minute and gladly my model bonded immediately with the dog, looking almost as if they belonged to each other.

This one is taken from my latest editorial. I was in Paris planning a photo shoot with the famous monuments in the background, until I realized what I’m actually interested in is creating a sense of disorientation using this exceptional outfit in the “jungle”, which is really just a park in the center of Paris.

I’ve been deeply fascinated with Iceland for the last 15 years. Everything about this part of the earth intrigued me and I knew relocating was just a matter of time. I recently fulfilled my dream and moved to Iceland, the only place I consider home. Through this photo I asked myself questions such as: What does it take to dive deep into a new environment? When does one become assimilated?

In this editorial I attempted to combine uncanny juxtapositions between body and nature, realism and dream.

This one is also from the lagoon session, but this time it’s my friend Tzlil. I was trying to create a cinematic feel to it and to blur lines between reality and imagination.

This image is titled “Hellebore”. The Hellebore flower, also called Lenten rose, appears in mid to late winter. Its lush petals have an exquisite color and will never look up at you - they nod down.

I took this photo while shooting a music video for my spouse. The song, titled “Shared Dreams” was about yearning for Iceland, and I shot this scene in a bathtub full of soy milk, making it look like the Icelandic blue lagoon.