VISUAL Q&A: Heather M Schmaedeke

VISUAL Q&A: Heather M Schmaedeke

Heather M Schmaedeke is a photographer based in Berlin, Germany. She won our World Photography Day contest 2022.

Heather states about her work:
“My photos capture a world teetering on the edge of motion and stillness; a world carved out of shadows and light. The transformation of a place from concrete to ephemeral elevates a scene from everyday to extraordinary.”
“Each photo is a dynamic image that compels viewer participation. These fleeting moments are given a bit of permanence, while the environment has some of its permanence shaken loose. The world around us is not as permanent as it seems and we too, are not as ephemeral.”
“Taking photos at certain times of day or during inclement weather gives me the power to compose my images from the contrasts that I find so compelling, for example: movement and stillness, shadows and light, complimentary colors, primary colors, isolation and inclusion.”
“Every day presents me with a new opportunity for exploration, an opportunity to hunt for treasures, discovering something new in my environment.”
Heather answered the visual Q&A questions with her images …

Who are you?
Why photography?
What is your trademark photographic style?
What truly inspires you?
Where do you go when you close your eyes?
Where is home for you?
How would you describe your lifestyle?
What makes a great shot?
How do you view the world?
What is an important lesson you have learned?
Make sure to check Heather’s Website and Instagram.

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