Take Kayo is a talented photographer based out of Vancouver, Canada. He has always had a passion for art and storytelling, but it wasn't until he discovered photography that he found his creative outlet. After studying English literature and music in college, Take decided to make a career change and pursue his dream of becoming a photographer. He threw himself into the craft, studying the technical aspects of camera settings, lighting, and composition. But, he also found a deeper meaning in the art of photography, recognizing that it could be used as a powerful medium for self-expression. "Photography is so much more than just archiving and documenting," says Take. "You can actually express yourself through your photography, and that's what I love about it." Take has since established himself as a skilled and sought-after photographer, known for his unique style and ability to capture emotion in his images.
He has shot a wide range of subjects, from portraits to landscapes, and has worked with a variety of clients, including magazines, businesses, and individuals. "I completely hyper-focused on photography as my chosen medium", he says, "it was the perfect blend of technical know-how and creativity." Take continues to push the boundaries of his art, experimenting with new techniques and approaches. He is always looking for new ways to tell stories and express himself through his photography, making his work both beautiful and meaningful.
Hong Kong Neon
Photography style

Don't forget to check out Take‘s Instagram.