Dream Control (NSFW)

Dream Control (NSFW)

Frank Lassak’s new photography book, “Dream Control,” tells a story about the future of dreaming. In this book, a visual narrative is established, based on the concept of tailor made dreams. Frank states about his latest project, “Dream Control describes and visualizes both the fascinating and terrifying aspects of an amusement park for sleepwalkers, which — as closer inspection reveals — is a front for a dubious organization, whose true motives are unknown. As such, the series is an invitation for the viewers to scrutinize the value and integrity of allegedly life-enhancing services, whose sole purpose is to jeopardize the customers’ ability to lead a self-determined, sovereign life.”

This book was produced in collaboration with the Musee de cinema et miniatures, in Lyon, France. All of the scenes contain miniatures from the collection of the museum.



The book is conceived, designed and produced by Efacts Photography in Berlin. Director of Photography: Frank Lassak and Creative Director: Lena Naomi Krebs.
More information about the book here. Check out Frank's website and Facebook.

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