Allan Amato is a photographer living in Los Angeles. Born and raised in Harare, Zimbabwe, Allan discovered his love for photography after Hurricane Katrina forced him to re-examine the course of his life. Since then, he has worked with a variety of clientele from Ministry to Nick Nolte to Terry Gilliam. Allan is currently working on directing a feature-length documentary called Temple of Art. His lifelong dream is to become an honorary member of Monty Python.
We asked Allan to talk us through his "profolio" – giving us the scoop on a selection of his favorite shots...

I was blessed to work on Amanda's book cover utilizing the skills of 8 fine artist friends, who then fought in the Octagon to decide which design would grace the sleeve. Jason Shawn Alexander narrowly won by TKO.
What can I say about Andy Dick, other than he's an expert at being himself? Every single image from this shoot was astonishing, mostly because he threw himself headlong into whatever description I came up with.
While I love the quality of this portrait of Clancy, I mostly enjoy the memory associated with it; that I had a complete super fan breakdown, and waxed maniacally on how great he was as the Kurgan, and how I'd dressed up as him for Halloween....until he employed his gruff Kurgan voice to tell me to shut the fuck up and get on with it.
This portrait of Danny Trejo is part of a campaign for Miller Lite. A rare instance of getting to do exactly the shot I want for a great client.
I've had the pleasure of working with Kevin Smith on a great many projects, but this first editorial, for a Parkinson's charity, is still my favorite. Trying to create an idea both showcasing Kevin's humor, while staying true to the somber nature of the subject was an exciting tightrope walk at the time.
I photographed Nick Nolte for a cowboy film, then he told a bunch of hollywood stories, and I saw Buddha and Nirvana, in that order.
I loved shooting Stoya for a fashion spread and magazine cover; I'm always excited by the chance to hack at the pigeon hole and allow a little more light in.
The man who remains my most hallowed subject, Terry Gilliam. Who was exactly as advertised; funny, whimsical, and impossibly energetic. And he made bunny faces.