Paccarik Orue was born in Lima, Peru. In 2011 he attained his BFA in photography at the Academy of Art University San Francisco. Currently, he lives in the Bay Area, California. He has exhibited at SF Camerawork and was featured in Lenscratch. Paccarik was also the recipient of Duke University's 2016 Archive of Documentary Arts Collection Award for Documentarians of Color.
His stunning photographs, depicting his home country, titled, "El Muqui," were exhibited at SFO Museum (San Francisco) in 2018. The images were taken in the historical city of Cerro de Pasco. The photographs create a narrative of everyday lives, environmental concerns, folklore, and local people's traditions.

"Viviendas y desmonte." (Housing and clearing.) El Muqui series, 2013

"Repartiendo queso y leche." (Handing out cheese and milk.) El Muqui series, 2013

"Cabeza de toro." (The Bull Head.) El Muqui series, 2019

"Cadete." (The apprentice.) El Muqui series, 2019

"Tajo Raul Rojas." (The Raúl Rojas open-pit mine in Cerro de Pasco.) El Muqui series, 2013

"Niño lobo." (Wolf Boy.) El Muqui series, 2013

"Hombre con tuba y chuyo." (Man with tuba and chullo, an Andean style hat with earflaps.) El Muqui series, 2014

"Bailarina de Los Capullos." (Dancer from Los Capullos.) El Muqui series, 2013

"Niños jugando en Champamarca." (Children playing in Champamarca.) El Muqui series, 2013

"Ex-Laguna Quilacocha #1." (Former Quilacocha Lagoon.) El Muqui series, 2012